A few days ago i was packing clothes to go back to home... because i want to come home after a week-long Chinese holiday ... after i packed up all my stuff i'm getting ready to go to my sister house, the next day my dad would take me at her home because my bus tickets to back to shah alam are sold out... when in my sister house, i felt like some kind of wrong and there is something still left in my hostel room.... but i do not know what are my stuff are still left... and i just let it be and ignorence....
Until my dad came to pick me at my sister home... with a long journey i still couldn't reach what are still left in my hostel room... and after i arrived at home... i put all of my stuff in my room sweet room and went to bath and ate for dinner blah2x... and the climax is i went into my room to online... suddenly, i just realized that i forgot to bring back my laptop battery charge!!! I am very disappointed and angry because i'm tired bring the laptop to it here and there... but it doesn't worth for me... i can't use my laptop at home...
thanxx god my brother rarely use his laptop so that i can steal his laptop online at my room... hAhA !! and so the moral value is after this i have to write check list what stuff should i bring back to home so that does not happen again to me.... urghhh !!! sucks!!!
*This is my beloved lappy... thanxx god you belong to me if not i'll be throwing you out dushh !!*