Sunday, April 10, 2011

Am i deserve to be a daughter-in-law or dud-in-law ??

* do i looks so confident to be daughter in law ??? hahaha

yeeyyy !! first of all its not because i want to marry ok please dont missunderstood, but here i try to judge myself either i'm deserve or not to be daughter in law of mak eton and pak azid... hahah

10 things that i still couldn't change and dont know :

1. i dont know how to cook.. except scrambled eggs ... urm yummy ! ahaks !
2. always wake up late and please3x dont disturb when i'm sleep
3. i'm still behave childish even my age turning to 20
4. lazy to do anything except somebody forcing or nagging to me .. then i will do it ( without sincerly ) ahaks !
5. my bed always untidy
6. i love doing some work last minute time
7. i dont know how to iron men's pants espeacially slacks.. its so complicated.. (only for me) haha
8. when i'm cooks my father always said its delicios even i know its actually salty... haha
9. i love to eat but i hate to wash dishes hygiene time is periodic ahhaha

so dont you think one day i can manage my household and took care this boy?? even me still not confident with myself.. haha

P/S : poor you got gf like me.... kuakuakua

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