Monday, April 18, 2011

what happen to me and him ??

erghhh i felt so stress when i'm thinking about *him* .. i don't know what's wrong between us since the late... we always arguments even because of the smaller problems became to the biggest problem.. sometimes i felt so sick with this but i just be patience and calm myself because i still love him and i don't want to lose him just like that... he is my precious he is my everything... but sometimes we cannot control himself when he angry to someone because he one of the hot temper persons which is he can scolded anyone including her girlfriends when he out of control.. thats is one of his weakness... i do sometimes i'm scared with him... but he will cool and calm when he saw i'm crying but i will not take his chance just pretends i'm crying infronts of him...i'm crying because i'm scared with him... so i hope he will change his behave even so many times i told him "please syg control yourself when you are in an angry mood"...

p/s: i will always love u matter what...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

i lurf my milkiss !!

tonight i got candy from tuan nur fatihah she gave to me yeyy !!.. the candy is called milkiss... it taste so freshy and milky... first time i ate it i felt like i'm at the cattle farm... ahaks ! its good for your body because it rich with hi-calcium and low fat milk candy... suitable for any levels even kids until adults... so what are you waiting for ?? just go to the store that near with you and find milkiss candy... yey!! haha

p/s : after eat it try to make sounds like this...mOoOoO hahaha

when my passions turn into reds

*please rotate your head ahaks !!

sorry for the inconvenience caused... i try to rotate many times but its still be left like that... so i just want to through out this lappy .. dush !! hahaha .. u know why im showing those thing to u ? actually i want to tell u that i love red so fucking much .. look .. i still try to collect all my things in red colour .. so if u have something in red colour , better don't let me see it or not u will find it at duyung 306 .. agaga .. hastalavista guys .. :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

when children rebel against their parents

do you still remember when the first time you born into this world ?? who endure the pain and gave birth to you ?? who adhan in your ear ?? do you still remember all of that ?? don't you ??

of course your not remember all of that right.. that's why most of us choose to leave their parents in foster homes... i dont know what types of children they are... who dont have feeling guilty with their parents who growth them from baby until they are becoming adults and brainless...

yesterday i go to Rumah Ehsan, Rumah Ehsan is like a foster homes who most of them no heirs to took care of them.. and of course a place where children leave their parents there because they felt hard to take care of senile old man and needed intensive care... its so sad when the first time i saw them, so weak and need a lot of intensive care... and of course they need love too.. a person who loving them and make them happy... most of them are mentally, disabled people and dementia...

dont you remember who wake up at late night to breast-feed you every single night when you crying ?? so why not you repay back what your parents sacrifice and take care of them like they took care of you before.. if they can do it without full of patience so why dont you just emulate like them ??

p/s : paradise lies at the feet of mothers..remember that..

what happen to my carrymark bell 260 ??

omg...what a dumb stupido person i am... i guess * .. i felt wants to cry because my carrymark is so weak better than my friends... it doesnt means that i'm not be grateful, i do thanks to god but i'm still not satisfied with what i've got... but i cant be blame to anyone... maybe this is only results of my efforts... i accept that... i hope i will not repeat bell 260 next sem... enough with other subject who make me crazy when thinking of it... i can't accept anymore... to stress thinking about it...

p/s : do the best red in final bell 260... u can do it ! ! !

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Am i deserve to be a daughter-in-law or dud-in-law ??

* do i looks so confident to be daughter in law ??? hahaha

yeeyyy !! first of all its not because i want to marry ok please dont missunderstood, but here i try to judge myself either i'm deserve or not to be daughter in law of mak eton and pak azid... hahah

10 things that i still couldn't change and dont know :

1. i dont know how to cook.. except scrambled eggs ... urm yummy ! ahaks !
2. always wake up late and please3x dont disturb when i'm sleep
3. i'm still behave childish even my age turning to 20
4. lazy to do anything except somebody forcing or nagging to me .. then i will do it ( without sincerly ) ahaks !
5. my bed always untidy
6. i love doing some work last minute time
7. i dont know how to iron men's pants espeacially slacks.. its so complicated.. (only for me) haha
8. when i'm cooks my father always said its delicios even i know its actually salty... haha
9. i love to eat but i hate to wash dishes hygiene time is periodic ahhaha

so dont you think one day i can manage my household and took care this boy?? even me still not confident with myself.. haha

P/S : poor you got gf like me.... kuakuakua

popcorn time !!

hey guys !! whats up dude ?? i want to share my popcorn time with all of you.. from you wasting the time better do some popcorn time and chills your days... Ahaks ! i love my popcorn time usually when weekend days... so what movies i watch during my popcorn this is it..

OMG !! first of all dont ask me either this story boring or not... better you watch this movies first and then you judges by yourself... Honestly from deep of my heart this movies is so dramatic touching all of viewers who watch this movies... i cry 5 times from starting the first until the last i guess when i watch this movies... its is freaking sad about a widower who her husband is die because of brain tumor...

The synopsis begin with happier situasions until her husband died and she cannot accept the faith.. and she also cannot give her husband child like her husband really hoping to get a child... after her husband died she became loose control until her moms who try to cheat her by doing something that relate with her husband... she thought every letter with P/S is created by her husband before he died... but it is her mother planning to see her daughter recovered back from her world...

in the nut shell, better you try to make your partner happy before you regret because you can't do or give what your partner wants.. so my suggestion for your popcorn time is you better watch this movie... !!! haha

P/S : i miss somebody who are in melaka.. >3 him