Monday, April 18, 2011

what happen to me and him ??

erghhh i felt so stress when i'm thinking about *him* .. i don't know what's wrong between us since the late... we always arguments even because of the smaller problems became to the biggest problem.. sometimes i felt so sick with this but i just be patience and calm myself because i still love him and i don't want to lose him just like that... he is my precious he is my everything... but sometimes we cannot control himself when he angry to someone because he one of the hot temper persons which is he can scolded anyone including her girlfriends when he out of control.. thats is one of his weakness... i do sometimes i'm scared with him... but he will cool and calm when he saw i'm crying but i will not take his chance just pretends i'm crying infronts of him...i'm crying because i'm scared with him... so i hope he will change his behave even so many times i told him "please syg control yourself when you are in an angry mood"...

p/s: i will always love u matter what...

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