Tuesday, April 5, 2011

test, quiz, final, blah blah blah

heyyy i feel like everyday is going faster to me... i remember that when i came here on the first registrations day.. but now 6/4/11 i have only 14 days countdown to my final examinations !! i feel so stress and lotsa pressure because it is around the corner and i dont know even i'm prepared or not yet or i'm still dreaming... wake up red !!!

i need to struggle for my final exams because its is my parents hoping to see me success like my other siblings who are now success with their work so same goes to me... i have to prove to them that i can beat them ... yeahhh i lurf my spirit... hahahah

p/s : study until you suffer...

1 comment:

ma ❥ said...

yeah study study..hihi