Saturday, January 29, 2011

1 malaysian 1 transformation

This is one of my task that i have to do that given by our beloved lecture miss umieyra... which is explain a little bit what i understand about 1 malaysian newly launched several months ago by our prime minister YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak...

Actually i'm not interested in political hAhA... but i will try to explain what i know about 1 malaysian from my perspective....

1 Malaysia or 'One Malaysia' is a personal idea, introduced by Malaysia's sixth Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on 2 April 2009... the essence of this idea the notion of one nation regardless of ethnic diversity, sub-ethnic groups and cultures... all parties must together make it happen... Implementation is not done overnight but it is evolutionary....

The main aspect is the mutual respect and to be received between one and another... Malaysia's plural society in Malaysia should be consolidated through 1 Malaysian.... Race relations are consolidated in the long term.... there were no differences between urban, rural and ethnic groups if they have the potential right to receive government assistance than those children who are certainly have the best educational opportunities... the government offers start by providing a level playing field but we as a government unable to guarantee the same... The main principle underlying the unity and oneness 1Malaysia in a large family...

The slogan of 1 Malaysian in 2009 is "People First performance now. " however slogan in 2010 is "1 Malaysia Generating Transformation", the slogans were also the theme of Malaysia's independence celebrations on 52 and 53... Beside that , our prime minister also established 1 malaysia thru central public services for citizens is a clinic that is based on 1 malaysia... prime minister Najib's Budget 2010 includes funding for 50 medical clinics in every state to provide basic medical services for illnesses and injuries such as fever, cough, colds, wounds and cuts, diabetes, and hypertension.... malaysia citizens are charged RM1 for treatment and medication... however for non-citizens are charged RM15...


TreXX lAmparD!!! said...

nice blogspot!!!lik3...

obb said...

I agree. malaysia akan hancur dengan 1 malaysia

Protokidd said...

Bawak turun gambar yg pertama tu. Jgn tunjuk kau kurang ajar

Protokidd said...

Bawak turun gambar yg pertama tu. Jgn tunjuk kau kurang ajar

Protokidd said...

Bawak turun gambar yg pertama tu. Jgn tunjuk kau kurang ajar