Wednesday, January 5, 2011

bAcK 2 dA rEaL liFe BlOgGer... b A JoUrnAliSt BaCk..;)

*sigh* huhu yah like kinda shock...dun noe what 2 written...its sumting spinning in my head what should i writing??... like wants to ask everyone plisss give me an ideas....help3...=D

ok i've got an ideas hahah.... its really been awhile for me not to write anything since i have my first blogger which is more describe about my life... So this is my second blogger which is request from our beloved miss mya umiera... She said this blogger is just for educations so no need to mixing with my private life... and i also kinda bz with lotsa stuff... my bf... and my life so miserable... ahaks !

why writing and why on blogger?? i dont have a answer of that questions, maybe its just for fun.... and also maybe i can release my tension here after thousands of problem i've been thru... i like to talk a lots, so sometimes i think my talking could make sense for others, so from i wasted d ideas just like that why not i write it on blogger right??.... so better i put it i can share with people...

so for the first time my comeback, nothing much can write yet coz i'm still wif my messy lyfe... but now its getting to normal life back so i hope after diz my life will smoothly and nothing problems will searching for me anymore.....heheh...

ok la i have to go.... so for the writting after this...hope u guys have a great time reading my thought ok....c u later muashhhh...=D

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